Regardless of the size of your home, it seems there is never enough storage, especially when there are children involved. Whether they are your kids or grand-kids, they have a lot of “stuff.” I am a mommy to two girls, and it feels like my house is exploding with toys and baby dolls. They have a toy room, yet the toys never seem to stay in the toy room. I know I cannot be the only one with this problem. I love organization, so I have bins for nearly everything from throw blankets and pillows to crayons and markers, but the toy room is one room that is lacking organization.
A few weeks ago I was designing a play room for a client, I had an “ah-ha” moment for my storage dilemma at my house. If I make the toy room a fun and exciting place for my girls, then maybe they’ll actually keep their toys in this space. Often times the adage “out of sight, out of mind” is true for most people, at least I know it is for me. Currently there are only bins for storing their toys, and a table for them to color, but it isn’t a space that they feel is theirs exclusively. That got me thinking, if children can see their toys then they’re more likely to play with them. Bins alone are not viable storage for children, and even for adults. The designer in me started to analyze their space. I started thinking of how I could design the space for my daughters’ needs, and how they would get the most use out of their toys by creating appropriate storage for their belongings.
Some things are better left in bins or drawers; however, some things such as their favorite dolls or games would be better suited being displayed on a shelf. Designing this space according to their needs not only makes it feel more like their room, but they actually would enjoy playing in this space and take care of their toys better (maybe). In designing their room, on one wall I put a chalkboard and white board so they can color on the wall but this time it’s in the appropriate place. On another wall I put drawers with open shelving above to store their dolls, Lego masterpieces, games, etc.… The drawers are used for things like crayons and markers, paper, Play-Doh, and toys they don’t play with that often. Since I’ve incorporated this system, the play room has stayed more organized and their toys have rarely left the room.
Who doesn’t want a room to call their own? We all want a space to call our own, whether it be a man-cave, a craft room or toy room to make our neighbors and friends jealous. I’m going to leave you with a few things to ponder. What would you do differently in your playroom? What would make your man-cave even more incredible? Lastly, what would make your craft space even more productive? Let us know your thoughts!
Written By
-Tara Zadorozny, Designer